Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The truth? You can’t love handle the truth

How often do you weigh yourself? Once a week? Once a Month? Once a year? Never? Don’t worry, this is not a survey. I weighed myself last night for the first time in just under a year. The little WII fit guy inside the television screamed momentarily, and then broke it to me that I am obese, and weigh 99.5kg. Now, if kilograms mean nothing to you, consider 219lbs or 15 and a half stones, and you’re there. Alternatively, let me step on your foot, and it’ll give a pretty fair reflection.

I was surprised more than anything. I do not feel like I am 99.5kg nor obese, even if I am not overly comfortable with my weight or appearance. I know what you’re thinking that I clearly must carry some magical hidden weight somewhere, and you’d be right. It is my legs....my big dense legs. I’m hardly skinny Jimmy in other areas, but it constitutes a large part of my weight and always has.

Weight has always been a funny thing for me, and something that has never overly concerned me.....maybe that is the problem...and it’s fair to say that it doesn’t now even if I am tipping the scales and hurting my poor WII fit instructor. Up until I was around 21 years old, I was slim Jim, also known as rake boy. When I discovered beers and could actually afford to buy food after university, it slowly sneaked up on me. Tearing my knee and ankle ligaments, preventing me from doing much sport for around two years, certainly did not help the cause. And since then, it has been work, travel, hotels etc - everything that constitutes a schedule and a mindset not suitable for eating well, doing exercise or looking after myself - which has taken over, with fitness something like a distant 17th on the things to do list.

Well, it is time to change that. I’m 30 years-old, and there is still plenty of energy to burn. I was hardly bouncing (probably an apt description rather than jumping) around in delight when I weighed in at 99.5kg, but it’s an opportunity and a challenge at the same time. My glass is almost always half full (or empty if it is beer – darn, that’s where i’m going wrong!), and I love a challenge, and this is one of them. The thing is, I’ve been saying for a long time now that I am going to get in shape and I just put it off, come up with some excuse, neglect exercise, and eat and drink the naughty things that I love to eat and drink. So, I figure I should share my heftyness in this blog. If this does not shame me into action, then nothing will. I am going to post my weight every two weeks from today onwards.

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